The development cycle of the implementation of the model of quality assessment and development into an educational organisation is two years long. It has the following steps:

  • nominating the team of quality,

  • defining the mission and vision of quality in adult education,

  • formulating the first evaluation of the level of quality in the educational organisation,

  • choosing the areas and indicators where a more thorough quality assessment will be carried out,

    model_for_selfasessment.jpg (172770 bytes)

    kazalniki_kakovosti.jpg (18944 bytes)

    The handbook QUALITY INDICATORS assists the users in selection of adequate indicators and guides them in assessment of quality.

  • creating organisation's own quality standards for the chosen indicators,

  • selecting resources and preparing instruments for self-evaluation of quality,

    prirocnik_z_zgoscenko.jpg (39897 bytes)


    A handbook and CD are available to be used by educational organisations while developing quality assessment instruments.

  • carrying out the self-evaluation,

  • creating a self-evaluation report,
    oblikovanje_samoevalvacijskega_porocila.jpg (101111 bytes)  

    Self-evaluation reports from Secondary school for catering and tourism in Radovljica (Srednja gostinska in turistična šola Radovljica), Institution for Education and Culture from Črnomelj (Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo Črnomelj) and Folk High School from Škofja Loka (Ljudska univerza Škofja Loka), elaborated in 2003.

  • discussing results and possible as well as urgent measures in the organisation,

    sc_velenje_vabilo.jpg (113173 bytes)
    Invitation to discussion on quality issues in adult education by the Centre of Schools of Velenje (Šolski center Velenje).

    razprava_ms.jpg (102793 bytes)
    Discussion on quality issues at Folk High School of Murska Sobota (Ljudska univerza Murska Sobota) was enthusiastic and vivacious.

    razprava_ms2.jpg (94875 bytes)
    In the discussion on quality issues at Folk High School of Ormož (Ljudska univerza Ormož) were participating representatives from the most important companies in the local area.

  • formulating the action plan for the implementation of quality improvements and development,

  • preparation measures and methods for the implementation of quality improvements and development,

  • implementing measures and methods of introducing improvements and development,

  • monitoring and evaluating the effects that had been introduced,
    spremljanje_in_vrednotenje.jpg (110181 bytes)  

    The results of self-evaluation efficiency at Folk High School of Sežana (Ljudska univerza Sežana).

  • choosing another area and starting a new development cycle.

The implementation of the model on the level of an organisation requires continuous co-operation of the management. The entire staff of the educational organisation participates in self-evaluation, decision- and measure-taking.

Important partners in the process of implementing the model and evaluating the quality are adult participants, employers and the local community.



© 2005-2009 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, realization: Franci Lajovic, graphics: Lina Design d.o.o., editor: Nevenka Kocijančič, 17.04.2009